Tag Archives: Gavin

Three Months In

Gavin and I have been married now for three months; during which, I kind of went on an unintended sabbatical from my blog. There were a few reasons why this happened:
1. There really wasn’t much to write about that was wedding-related, since the wedding had already happened.
2. I needed a mental break from anything that had to do with weddings.
3. We were both exhausted.


But now it feels as though we’ve settled in a bit. We’ve looked through our wedding photos a hundred times (and made other people sit through that, as well) and sent out thank you cards to a lot of really generous people. I’ve even managed to legally change my name- for most things (several times, in fact.) It finally doesn’t feel weird to call Gavin my husband. The first time I said it out loud was strange- not sure if that’s because it was the first time saying it or because it was to a cab driver. Other than that, I think things are back to normal.