Tag Archives: Gavin

Antiquing: Day 1 (Canandaigua)

On the day after Thanksgiving, commonly known as “Black Friday,” Gavin, Mrs. Thomas and I skipped the crowds and instead hit up antique shops in the area.


The first one we went to was probably my favorite, just because of the booth structure (nothing was behind glass) and the things they had in the store.


Gavin found a couple cameras he likes along the way.


We left with some great finds:
– mint green lamp with silk lampshade
– yarn roller (photo required, I know)
– bright red shelf
– Polaroid camera
– wooden coca-cola bin
– faded American flag



After that, we went to a crêpe place down the street for lunch. While the crêpes were all arranged differently on the plates, Gavin’s mom definitely got the prettiest one.

Recharged and ready to go, the three of us continued on. Gavin’s mom and I went to a fabric store and candle store while Gavin explored the local salvation army. He found a coat jacket ($7) and a suitcase ($3) for us to use when transporting our treasures back home. Mrs. Thomas and I found a few things, too. We all met up for one more antique store before heading back to the house.


After several hours of walking around, it was great to sit down for dinner when we got back and be able to just relax. Which is exactly what we did.

The Rest of the Weekend

In addition to our Ikea trip, Gavin and I also watched The Hunger Games, which he actually liked. I was surprised. I read all the books and am looking forward to parts 2 and 3. And on Sunday night, we went to see The Hush Sound with Kris and Amy.


I did not clean the apartment, go food shopping or paint my nails. But it’s okay because I caught some extra rest time which may have finally kicked my never-ending cold in the butt.