Category Archives: Food + Juicing

Juice Cleanse: Day 1

Today I woke up earlier than usual so that I would have time to make some juice- not just for breakfast but for lunch too. I’ll be having more juice for dinner, but that I can make later on.

I was drinking my breakfast juice (which looked bright green) from a glass jar on the subway platform. Somebody commented about how delicious it looked and said I must feel “like a million bucks” drinking that. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.


Apparently, juicing is quite the thing in NYC.
Juicing: A Booming Industry

Before trying this out, I decided to do some research on exactly how to do a juice cleanse properly:
The Beginner’s Guide to Juice Fasting
How to Do a 3-Day Juice Cleanse

I also looked into the other side of the argument for juice cleanses:
Why Juice Cleanses Don’t Deliver
Do Juice Cleanses Work?

My juice cleanse lasted until 5pm when I broke down and made a hot chocolate at work. Then I had leftover lasagna that Gavin made when I got home.

There is probably a reason you’re not supposed to do physical activity during a cleanse. I, on the other hand, went to Ashtanga yoga class; for the first time in several months. It was brutal.

My juice cleanse has officially ended. I may pick it back up when the weather’s warmer. We’ll see.

I married the best cook ever.

Gavin went to the doctor for x-rays of his hand. He thought maybe it was broken from snowboarding but it turns out it wasn’t. The doctors, however, we’re very fascinated with all of the screws he had in his hand from previous soccer injury. We juiced twice today.


Gavin really wanted to try out making lasagna tonight. We were going to do it together but then I ended up just hanging around, drinking tea and trying to not be sick anymore.


It was a lot of layers of delicious.


We ate together at our new table, which I’m really starting to like doing. It’s a cute little round table.
