Category Archives: NYC

Election Day: Voting, Take 1

I woke up today less sick than yesterday and since I have a full day worth of meetings, I decided it better to go in to the office than to stay in bed. (Also, I’m pretty sure I’m passed the contagious part of this flu-like strep throat bronchitis monster of a cold.)

I walked to the polling booths but then realized I left my ID in my other bag, plus I heard the line was really long, so I’m going to vote after work instead. I did that last year and it went super fast.

Fun fact: Gavin and I started dating in 2008, the first time we elected President Obama.

Hurricane Sandy: Day 5

We gathered together what we had in the house of bottled water, canned food and other items to donate and made a trip downtown (way downtown, like to Delancey & Rivington) to drop them off at a shelter where they would distribute to victims of the storm.


On the way, we saw the house that literally fell apart (on 8th avenue and 15th street.) The power started coming back on in the Lower East side as we trekked downtown. We could hear people cheering. Also, I got a few text messages from people that the marathon was cancelled.

There were massive bus lines, which we think could only be for the buses to Queens/Brooklyn, since the subway only went down to 34th street.


When we got back that night, his friends has made us dinner- Norwegian Mexican tacos. It was delicious. Since the power had come back in the Lower East side, Ada and Martin headed back that night.
