Category Archives: At the Apartment

Saturday Schtuff

I’d like to kick off this weekend with some adorable cat photos.


(Milo on a pillow, titled “orange cat on orange pillow”)


(Madison, clearly posing for the camera because she saw me taking photos of Milo on the pillow)

On Saturday morning, I went running with Elisa. It had been awhile since we last ran together and it felt good to get out. Afterward, she and I went to brunch at a place called Jacob’s Pickle’s for biscuits and mimosas. I am kicking myself right now for missing a great photo op of both our food and the place itself.

When I got back home, I had a lot of energy so I did the laundry and organized the office shelves (which had gotten pretty disorderly over the past few weeks.) Now, while there’s still a bunch of things on the shelves, atleast they are things we want to display.


By the time I was done, it was time to eat. Gavin made the most amazing buffalo chicken pizza. As in, AMAZING. I want to eat this every day it’s so good.


Now we’re watching football and Baltimore just made a pretty sweet touchdown. I saw the replay. It was pretty epic.

Packages in the Mail!

Jessica was out visiting her friend. Gavin and I made pirogues with onions and sour cream. Super yum.


I finally got through the stack of holiday cards which felt good. It sort of felt like the wedding all over again but surprisingly much less stressful. Gavin and I wanted to include photos or atleast a personal message but that felt ambitious for this year. Maybe in 2013.


Milo was very excited about the large package we received in the mail today. We opened it. There were wrapped presents inside and a few surprises.


One was a rare edition baseball card from a famous player back in the day, signed by the player himself.


We’re going to save the presents to open on Christmas eve before we leave for my parents’ house.