Category Archives: Organization

Out with the old…

It’s definitely time to eBay the things we no longer need/use/want. These boxes of items have been with us since the apartment upstairs (over a year ago) so it’ll definitely feel good once this stuff leaves our apartment.

I was inspired by an article called How to Kick Your Clutter and Live in a Clean House Once and For All so I sent it to Gavin last week. (He actually read it!)


Gavin asked me to help him post his stuff, since there’s a lot of it. I only have a few things of my own to deal with. He gave me all the specs and then I got to it.

Since we were past the keep/toss/store stage (these were all ear-marked as “to sell”), I split the boxes into more relevant categories:
– posted (eBay/Craigslist)
– to be posted
– photo needed


We have tons of boxes and shipping supplies ready. I’ve already posted over ten eBay items! There’s a lot to go but this is definitely progress.


I juiced some oranges for us for an extra boost of vitamin C; also since I have a sneaking suspicion there’s a winter cold trying to catch me off guard.


In other good news, I finally got us a knife sharpener and sharpened all of our knives- particularly the ones we use for slicing fruits and vegetables. It is like night and day.