Tag Archives: birthday

My Birthday Off

I woke up on my birthday to Milo sitting thisclose to my face. Maybe he was saying happy birthday. Or he’s just a weirdo.


It was a pretty low-key day. I took a winter Friday so I was home from work. Gavin had a photo shoot.


I got an awesome birthday present from Gavin- a phone receiver for my mobile phone. Something I totally wouldn’t have ever bought for myself but definitely really wanted for quite some time (although I never told him that) so you can can imagine how excited I was when I got this.


My mom sent me a really sweet message on Facebook. And I got lots of messages, phone calls, texts and even a video with lots of happy birthday wishes.


In other, mostly non-eventful, news:

I finally cleared off the top of the kitchen cabinets (in a recent cleaning spree.) Milo seized the opportunity and found himself a new hiding place.

And I cleaned the shower head with vinegar- also something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile (thank you Pinterest.) It looks great!

Blizzard Watch

I got a box of presents yesterday for my birthday which of course I promptly opened. This lead to a quick morning mini-mani so I could test out the colors.


This got a lot of comments and compliments at work. And it brightened my, otherwise non-eventful, Friday. I wore my snow boots in preparation for the storm that didn’t really start to happen until after I got home from work.

In other news this week- I finally hired someone for my department. Yay!!! I’m really looking forward to when he starts (end of month.) Gavin got back massive amount of film from our trip to Costa Rica and other things.


Also, this may be actually last week’s news but, I finally filed the patent for my project. Feels good to finally get it out since it has been sitting on the desk for about 6 months. After reading the documents countless times over, I solidified my intentions on never ever becoming a lawyer. Fingers crossed that it goes through without any issue. (Now I can work on it in peace.)